Writing: Other

Ramona engages in a series of influential submissions to promote law reform domestically and internationally.

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Report Submission:

Ramona Vijeyarasa, Review of the Modern Slavery Act, Australian Government Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, November 2022

Report Submission:

Ramona Vijeyarasa, 2020, Comments on CEDAW Draft General Recommendation on Trafficking in Women and Girls in the Context of Global Migration, Submission to United Nations CEDAW Committee.


Report Submission:

Ramona Vijeyarasa, Review of the Workplace Gender Equality Act, Submission to Australian Government Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, November 2021


The Gender Legislative Index (2018) is a tool to rank and score legislation against global standards for women’s rights. It uses human evaluators and machine learning to bring to light legislative good practice and how poor performing laws can be improved.

The Gender Legislative Index (GLI) highlights the power of the law to deliver concrete change to fulfil women’s rights. The GLI facilitates a comparison of laws addressing the same issues, or of legislation across different areas of the law, or comparisons across countries.

The GLI is aimed at helping legislators, activists and advocates to build a body of legislation that works better for women. It seeks to get the law right in the first place, rather than invest in poor or average laws, for the sake of having a law, that later needs amending.