Writing: Conference papers

Ramona is a distinct and respected academic voice. She presents her work at national and global academic conferences. Here is a selection.

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  1. Ramona Vijeyarasa, Woman Leaders: Erasing the boundaries to find the ‘Asian’ experiences in a global world, Retheorizing Gender & Political Leadership from Asia and the Pacific: Lessons for a more diverse Australian political landscape, Australian National University, July 13-15, 2022

  2. Ramona Vijeyarasa, Does gender-responsive legislation make a difference on women’s lives? What do we know and where are the gaps? Law & Society of Australia and New Zealand (LSAANZ) Annual Event, 1 December 2022 (Online).

  3. Ramona Vijeyarasa, International norms and the Asian woman: Applicable or not in the 21st Century? 25 May 2021, Asian Society of International Law (Online).

  4. Ramona Vijeyarasa, Using CEDAW as a benchmark for domestic legislation: Findings from three-decades of recommendations from the CEDAW Committee, 17 February 2020, ANZSIL Gender and Sexuality in International Law Workshop, Melbourne, Australia (Deakin University).

  5. Ramona Vijeyarasa, Gender-responsive laws to advance the economic, social and cultural rights of women: Using the Gender Legislative Index for domestic accountability, 21 November 2019, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Inaugural Conference, Sydney, Australia (University of Technology Sydney).

  6. Ramona Vijeyarasa, A 20-year struggle: The outcomes of a 25% quota for women in local government in Sri Lanka, presented at Women in Asia Conference: Women in an era of anti-elitism, 21-23 June 2019, Sydney, Australia (University of New South Wales).

  7. Ramona Vijeyarasa, Sex workers, sweatshops and seasonal pickers: How women’s experiences and voices feature in Australia’s modern slavery regulatory regime, UNSW Innovate Rights: New Thinking on Business and Human Rights, May 2019, UNSW Sydney, Australia.

  8. Ramona Vijeyarasa, Australia's Modern-Day Slavery Acts: How legal language can reinforce misconceptions about trafficking, sex work and labour exploitation, presented at the Law and Society Association of Australian and New Zealand Annual Conference: Inclusion, Exclusion, Democracy, 12-15 December 2018, Wollongong, New South Wales (University of Wollongong).

  9. Ramona Vijeyarasa, For whom the tiger roars? The political personas of Asia’s women leaders and their failure to represent the women they led presented at the Asian Studies Association of Australia Biennial Conference, 3-5 July 2018, Sydney, New South Wales (University of Sydney).

  10. Ramona Vijeyarasa, The incorruptible martyr: The ‘Othering’ of Asia’s women leaders on the male political train, presented at Feminists@Law Symposium, 2-3 November 2017, Sydney, New South Wales (University of Technology Sydney).

  11. Ramona Vijeyarasa, The legislative footprint of Asia’s women leaders: Ending violence against women in Indonesia, the Philippines and Sri Lanka, presented at Women in Asia Conference, 26-28 September 2017, Perth, Western Australia (University of Western Australia).

  12. Ramona Vijeyarasa, Trafficked and Silenced: How Mainstream Trafficking Discourse Stifles the Voices and Shapes the Stories of Victims, presented at Asia-Pacific Conference on Gendered Violence and Violations, 10-12 February 2015, Sydney, NSW (University of New South Wales).

  13. Ramona Vijeyarasa, Vietnam's MDG report card: An assessment of progress on reproductive health, Asian Conference on Social Sciences: East Meets West in Pursuit of a Sustainable World, 18-21 June 2010, Osaka, Japan.

  14. Ramona Vijeyarasa, Combating stigma: Empowering trafficked returnees to (re)integrate into communities in Vietnam, presented at the 7th IASSCS Conference: Contested Innocence – Sexual Agency in Public and Private Space, 15-18 April 2009, Hanoi, Vietnam.

  15. Ramona Vijeyarasa, Traditional and informal justice: A tool for accountable, truth and reconciliation? 2nd International Women for Peace Conference, 5-6 March 2009, Dili, Timor-Leste.

  16. Ramona Vijeyarasa, The situation of labour migration in the Greater Mekong Sub-region, International workshop on legal aid in the Asia-pacific and cooperation in providing legal aid to migrant workers, 26-28 November 2008, Da Nang, Vietnam.