Writing: Blog posts

Ramona regularly contributions to the national and international conversation on gender equality.

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  1. Ramona Vijeyarasa, Australia showcased gender equality on the pitch. Now let’s try it on budget policy, The Interpreter (The Lowy Institute), 24 August 2023

  2. Ramona Vijeyarasa, Valuing Asia’s women leaders, The Interpreter (The Lowy Institute), 7 February 2023

  3. Ramona Vijeyarasa, Regulating artificial intelligence against gender bias: can Australia emerge as a world leader? The Policymaker, James Martin Institute for Public Policy, The 25 August 2023

  4. Ramona Vijeyarasa, In pursuit of the critical mass: lessons from generations of political women, the Victorian Women’s Trust, November 2022

  5. Ramona Vijeyarasa, The double-edged sword of gender in politics, BroadAgenda, July 2022

  6. Ramona Vijeyarasa and José-Miguel Bello Villarino, 2022, Lessons and consequences of the failure to regulate AI for women’s human rights, OpenGlobalRights, June 2022

  7. Ramona Vijeyarasa and José-Miguel Bello Villarino, 2022, Government, we need to talk about AI, Australian Outlook, June 2022

  8. Ramona Vijeyarasa, 2022, Can female independents transform politics in Australia?, Women’s Agenda, May 2022

  9. Ramona Vijeyarasa, 2021, Gender responsive legislation: Equal Opportunity Act, BroadAgenda, March 2021

  10. Ramona Vijeyarasa, 2021, Show me the numbers! Disaggregated gender data, BroadAgenda, April 2021

  11. Ramona Vijeyarasa, 2021, The Silver Bullet! Gender responsive legislation, BroadAgenda, March 2021

  12. Ramona Vijeyarasa, From treaties to domestic law: The Gender Legislative Index as a tool for domesticating human rights, International Law Association (ILA) Reporter, October 2020

  13. Ramona Vijeyarasa, 2020, Can an online platform increase state accountability on women’s rights?, Open Global Rights

  14. Ramona Vijeyarasa, 2018, Women Leaders in a Man’s World: A Glimpse into Australia’s Foreign Policy Under Gillard - Part I, Center for Feminist Foreign Policy.

  15. Ramona Vijeyarasa, 2018, Women Leaders in a Man’s World: Does a Feminist Foreign Policy Require a Woman Leader at the Top? - Part II, Center for Feminist Foreign Policy.

  16. Ramona Vijeyarasa, The Modern Slavery Act: Did Australia get it right? Australian Outlook, Australian Institute of International Affairs, 10 December 2018

  17. Ramona Vijeyarasa, Hate crimes rise as homophobia spreads across Africa, Rewire.News, 22 February 2010,

  18. Ramona Vijeyarasa, Pushing for ‘zero tolerance’ on sexual violence in DRC, Rewire.News, 9 February 2010,

  19. Ramona Vijeyarasa, There is no choice without knowledge, Rewire.News, 22 January 2010.

  20. Ramona Vijeyarasa, Ensuring accountability for progress on women’s rights, Rewire.news, 6 March 2009.

  21. Ramona Vijeyarasa, Global praise for Delhi High Court’s decriminalization of homosexuality, Rewire.News, 6 July 2009.

  22. Ramona Vijeyarasa, Supreme Court of Nepal calls on government to make legal abortion a reality, Rewire.news, 27 May 2009.

  23. Ramona Vijeyarasa, Understanding the roots of violence against women in the Pacific, Rewire.news, 12 February 2009.

  24. Ramona Vijeyarasa, Unsafe abortion: Why money might matter, Rewire.News, 21 October 2009.

  25. Ramona Vijeyarasa, and Helen Pringle, When hero worship turns sour, New Matilda, 3 June 2009,

  26. Ramona Vijeyarasa, Zimbabwe’s growing crisis of maternal deaths, Rewire.News.

  27. Ramona Vijeyarasa, Australia Lifting Gag Rule on Foreign Aid for Abortion? Rewire.news, 10 December 2008