Writing: Book chapters

Ramona has contributed numerous chapters to cutting-edge collections that address women’s rights, women’s migration and legislating with women in mind.

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  1. Ramona Vijeyarasa and Becky Batagol, Feminist legislation from feminist parliaments: Reimagining parliaments where laws are made to benefit women, in Feminist Legislation Project – Australia (Forthcoming).

  2. Ramona Vijeyarasa, Modern Slavery Act Cth (2018), in Feminist Legislation Project – Australia (Forthcoming)

  3. Becky Batagol and Ramona Vijeyarasa, Lighting the Spark: Reimagining the Statutory Landscape through the Feminist Legislation Project, Chapter 10 in R Vijeyarasa (ed.) In International Women’s Rights Law and Gender Equality: Making the law work for women (2021), Routledge.

  4. Ramona Vijeyarasa, In pursuit of gender-responsive legislation: Transforming women’s lives through the law. Chapter 1 in R Vijeyarasa (ed.) In International Women’s Rights Law and Gender Equality: Making the law work for women (2021), Routledge.

  5. Ramona Vijeyarasa, Women and the law: The challenges ahead for gender-responsive legislation. Chapter 13 in R Vijeyarasa (ed.) In International Women’s Rights Law and Gender Equality: Making the law work for women (2021), Routledge.

  6. Ramona Vijeyarasa, Hidden Data, Hidden Victims: Trafficking in the context of globalisation and labour exploitation – The case of Vietnam. In: M. C. Rawlinson, R.M.S. Commers and T. Johnston eds. Labour and global justice: Essays on ethics of labour practices under globalisation (2014), Lexington Books.

  7. Ramona Vijeyarasa, Roadblocks to counter-trafficking: A comparative analysis of Vietnam, Ghana and Ukraine. In: Women Past and Present: Biographic and Interdisciplinary Studies (2014), Cambridge Scholars Press: Cambridge. ISBN (10): 1-4438-5679-7, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-5679-9.